Never In Vain

Bible Reading: Romans 1:8-17
Author: Mrs. Rose McCormick Brandon (Ontario, Canada)
Saturday 27 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
“Hi.  It’s Bonnie,” said the voice on the phone.  “I just wanted you to know that I’ve come back to the Lord.”  The ring of excitement in her voice when she said these words identified her as the Bonnie who once attended a Bible study I’d taught.  Bonnie asked to come over to my house to tell me more.
That afternoon, her voice rang with joy as she told me of her ministry with people new to Canada.  “And you won’t believe this, but I’m helping with a ladies’ Bible study.”  Women from many countries now gather in Bonnie’s living room to study God’s word.

Bonnie’s story warmed my heart and reminded me that the time and energy I had spent in our Bible study mattered.  When things or people don’t turn out as we’d hoped, we may feel as if our work has been in vain.  We may even become discouraged and give up.  But that day, I learned that nothing we do in the name of Jesus is meaningless.  If we do not lose heart and give up, then someday when we’ve forgotten our efforts or written them off as a loss, our “reward” may just ring the doorbell and tell us stories of grace that will fill our hearts with praise.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to stay faithful in the work you’ve given us, always remembering its eternal value.  Amen.

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