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Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:8-16
Author: Ron Wasson (Texas, US)
Saturday 18 May 2024 © The Upper Room.

I am ‘Omo Ogbomoso’—a child of Ogbomoso—born in a mission guest house in Nigeria. My family left my childhood home for America when I was twelve, and I thought I would never return. Imagine my joy when I had the opportunity to visit nearly 40 years later.

The house I grew up in was still there, and I introduced myself to the Nigerians who lived there. They invited me inside. How amazing to walk through the house, looking at rooms where I used to play!

There’s a phrase that describes people like me: ‘Third Culture Kids’ (TCKs). To us, the term ‘home’ gets confusing. Is home America? Or is it Africa? Or is it a mixture? Home is Arkansas, my mother’s home, where we lived when on leave from the mission field. Home is also Missouri, where I visited Dad’s parents, and Texas, where I’ve lived most of my adult life. And home is also a city half a world away.

Today’s reading explains that all believers are TCKs; we are all searching for our home—our heavenly one. Imagine our joy when we finally reach it and are united with Christ.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that by your grace, we will someday be in our heavenly home. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

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