
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Author: Andrew Mills (Pennsylvania, US)
Monday 13 May 2024 © The Upper Room.

When my son Justin was about five, I took him fishing with me. He put on his waders and hat and brought along his little fishing rod. When we got to the lake, we set up camp and put our lines in the water.

We were ready for a long day of fishing. After ten or fifteen minutes, however, Justin got bored, picked up some stones and threw them into the water. Then he watched the ripples spread in all directions.

As Christians, we are like the ripples in the lake. When we read scripture and follow its guidance, we can go out in all directions and tell other people about God’s love and saving grace. When they receive the message, they go out and tell more people about the word of God. Those, in turn, tell more people. The motion occurs naturally, like ripples on the lake.

Jesus said, ‘Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost’ (Matthew 28:19). He was telling us to be ripples and to go out and make more ripples, who go out and make even more ripples. What a wonderful idea!

Prayer: Dear God, give us every chance to bring people to you so that they, in turn, can make more ripples. Amen

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BSL devotions is such a fantastic resource, thank you so much for starting it up and developing the site. I am a Christian hearing person who works with deaf people and have loved the opportunity to develop my understanding of and use of christian signs through the videos. It would be great to know who all the sign interpreters are as well as those who write the devotional content. Perhaps as the website grows in the future, UK deaf and hearing Christians can contribute to the devotion content. Many thanks and blessings. Please keep the site going! HJ