
Bible Reading: Matthew 11:28-30

Author: Mr. Michael Medeiros (California)
Friday 19 April 2024 © The Upper Room.
The members of our youth group were weighed down by heavy burdens and many worries.  When the time came for our monthly hike, the leaders saw a great opportunity to help the teens to trust the Lord with their concerns.  Each youth received a backpack and water bottle for the short hike.  Many of them wondered what the backpacks contained since they were so heavy.

Halfway up the hill, the youth were directed to open their backpacks where they found several bricks.  Many of them complained about carrying needless weight, but others figured out the object lesson right away.  We instructed each to take out the bricks and write on them their burdens, worries, and cares.  “School stress,” “finances,” “parents divorcing,” “broken friendships,” and “my future” were some of the concerns.  When we arrived at the top of the hill, the students knelt down to lay their bricks at a large cross and offer their personal prayers to God to share these specific burdens.

At the end, all of us rose and prayed around the cross standing upon the very burdens that were once on our backs.  The return trip was so much easier and joyful as each person recalled God’s care.
Prayer: Compassionate God, thank you for lifting us up and sustaining us.  Amen.

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