Others First

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:1–4
Author: Veronica Kamidi (Nairobi, Kenya)
Wednesday 24 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Recently while strolling home from work, I encountered one of my friends. As I saw her coming, I felt compelled to offer her a business suit of mine that I had been meaning to give away. When I told her about it, she replied that she had been jobless for a while, that the next day she was scheduled for the last in a series of job interviews, and that she needed a suit for the interview.

I could brush this off as a coincidence. But I strongly believe that God used me in that moment as an answer to this sister’s immediate need. God relies on us to touch the lives of others and be a blessing to them.

When we are sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and are willing to be used by God, we can respond positively and with love to those around us. Our help need not be a big gesture or gift of something material. A warm smile, a comforting touch, a hug or an encouraging word can meet a person’s immediate need by strengthening his or her will to persevere.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to be aware of opportunities to be an answer to other people’s prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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I think it is brilliant. I enjoy very much. It meet my need. I pray and hope it will carry on? God bless and hug. JL