When We Have No Words

Bible Reading: Romans 8:18-27
Author: Chris Surber (Florida, US)
Tuesday 23 April 2024 © The Upper Room.

Ordinarily, my wife gets out of bed to attend to our four young children. Recently, I happened to get out of bed before my wife. After helping the older children, I made every attempt to get our 18-month-old son what he wanted for breakfast. He pointed at the cupboard and pronounced, ‘Muhh!’ I had no idea what he was asking for. I opened the refrigerator. He pointed and cried, ‘Chehhh!’ I offered him pudding, egg and waffles, but he only became more frustrated. Finally, I woke his mother and explained the situation. She promptly replied, ‘He wants milk and a slice of cheese.’ She understands him even when he doesn’t have the words.

I couldn’t understand my son, but God understands even the groanings of our hearts. He knows our needs, hurts and longings. Even when we have no words to speak, we can turn to God and know that he will understand.

Prayer: Amazing God, let our hearts never grow silent, even when we have no words to say. Amen

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